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'Clawdeen Wolf debütierte in der Zeichentrickserie in der Band 1-Webisode "Jaundice Brothers", die am 5. Mai 2010 Premiere hatte. In der englischen Version des Zeichentrickfilms wird sie von Salli Saffioti gesprochen.

Volume 1[]


Jaundice Brothers - who won

Als Radio KBLOOD einen Wettbewerb ausschreibt, bei dem der Preis darin besteht, dass die Jaundice Brothers auf dem Abschlussball der Schule des Gewinners spielen, hilft Clawdeen Frankie dabei, eine Kassette zusammenzustellen und einzusenden. Wie es der Zufall will, gewinnen sie den Wettbewerb.

Clawdeen nimmt an der 1361. jährlichen Charity Talon Show von Monster High teil. Eine ihrer Konkurrentinnen ist Cleo, die kurz vor ihr die Bühne betritt. Als Clawdeen an der Reihe ist, versucht Cleo, ihren Auftritt zu sabotieren, indem sie den Scheinwerfer einschaltet, der bei Clawdeen wie ein Ersatz-Vollmond wirkt. Sie verliert die Kontrolle, aber statt einer Katastrophe improvisiert sie einen mörderischen Tanz, der den von Cleo locker übertrifft.

Party Planners - surprise

Clawdeen's Trigular Calcometry 101 Klasse wird von einem Aushilfslehrer, Lou Zarr, geleitet, der mit der Klasse nicht zurechtkommt. Ein Konflikt mit Deuce lässt ihn versteinert zurück, woraufhin Clawdeen und die anderen Schüler die Klasse für entlassen halten.

Clawdeen und ihre Freunde organisieren eine doppelte Überraschungsparty für Frankie und Draculaura, die jeweils ihren Sweet 16 (Tage) und Sweet 1600 feiern. Als Teil der Organisation müssen Clawdeen und die anderen die Einladungen sowohl von Frankie als auch von Draculaura zu einer einzigen Überraschungsparty für den jeweils anderen ablehnen. Das macht zwar keinen Spaß, aber die doppelte Überraschungsparty ist es allemal wert.

Während des Clawculus versuchen Clawdeen, Draculaura und Frankie, Lagoona dazu zu bringen, mit Gil, einem Jungen, den sie mag, zu reden, anstatt ihn anzustarren.

Clawdeen hatte den SAT-Test heute vergessen und ist sich sicher, dass sie durchfallen wird. Cleo rät ihr, zu schummeln und die Antworten von Ghoulia zu bekommen. Clawdeen versucht es widerwillig, aber Ghoulia will nichts davon wissen. Sie wartet, bis die Zeit fast abgelaufen ist, dann geht sie die Antworten in hohem Tempo durch und lässt Clawdeen keine Zeit, etwas von ihr abzuschreiben.

Photo Finish - ruined hair

Clawdeen hat ihr Haar durch Frankies wilde Ladung gekräuselt.

Es ist Fototermin, aber Trainer Igor berichtet über das Fach Heulen und er ist besessen von Sport. Clawdeen und ihre Freunde flüchten vor einem aussehenszerstörenden Training, aber Igor holt sie schließlich ein, um ihnen zu sagen, dass sie wegen des Fototermins keine Laufpausen einlegen werden.

Ghoulia hat ein Auge auf Slo Mo geworfen, ist aber zu schüchtern, ihn anzusprechen. Clawdeen, Draculaura und Frankie bieten ihr an, ihr zu helfen, aber ihre Hilfe ist von solcher Qualität, dass Ghoulia sich rechtzeitig entscheidet, ihrem eigenen Instinkt zu folgen.

Clawdeen unterstützt Frankie, als sie einen Pickel auf ihrer Wange bekommt.

Clawdeen bewirbt sich um die Hauptrolle in der Schulaufführung von "Hamlet", aber Cleo ist ihre größte Rivalin. Die beiden sabotieren sich gegenseitig beim Vorsprechen, so dass sie beide im Gips landen, während Draculaura die Hauptrolle bekommt.

Während der Biteology kommt es zu einem Kampf zwischen den Augen, an dem Clawdeen teilnimmt. Später wird sie von einer Froschplage aus dem Mädchenklo gejagt.

Clawdeen ist in der Schule anwesend, als Headless Headmistress Bloodgood verkündet, dass Irene Maiden befreit worden ist.

Freakout Friday - lightning strike

Es ist sowohl Freitag, der 13., als auch Halloween, ein seltenes Ereignis, das bis drei Uhr nachts viel Unglück bringt. Clawdeen und ihre Freunde geraten in Panik, aber Cleo versichert ihnen, dass ihr Amulett sie beschützen wird. Doch Ghoulia trägt das Amulett bei sich und ist einfach weggelaufen. Die Mädchen laufen ihr hinterher, um sicher zu sein, und müssen feststellen, dass sie das Amulett benutzt hat, um an die große Uhr zu gelangen und die Zeit auf drei Uhr einzustellen.

Shock and Awesome - TwiHard I

Als Frankies Freunde herausfinden, dass sie noch nie einen Film gesehen hat, nehmen sie sie kurzerhand mit in den Kinosaal, um sich die gesamte "TwiHard"-Serie anzusehen. Bei den Vorbereitungen für die Filmsitzung überfordern sie das Stromnetz des Saals. Um das Problem zu lösen, schließt die Gruppe die Geräte an Frankie an, so dass die Filmsitzung stattfinden kann, Frankie aber nichts sieht.

Es wird entdeckt, dass Vampire die Fähigkeit haben, sich in Fledermäuse zu verwandeln, und Clawdeen und Frankie fragen, ob Draculaura es ihnen zeigen kann. Draculaura lügt, dass sie es kann, aber nicht vor ihnen, also geht sie in den Glockenturm, wo sie einschläft und eine Fledermaus in die Schule hinunterfliegt. Clawdeen und Frankie verwechseln die Fledermaus mit Draculaura und verbringen einen schönen Tag in ihrer Gesellschaft.

Cleo glaubt fälschlicherweise, dass Clawdeen ebenfalls als Scream Queen kandidiert und setzt ein Gerücht in die Welt, um ihre Kampagne zu sabotieren. Clawdeen kandidiert nicht, aber das Gerücht wandelt sich so, dass alle für sie stimmen.

Heath Burns macht sich über Clawdeens Lauffähigkeiten lustig und fordert sie zu einem Wettkampf heraus. Der Verlierer muss die Grube des Grauens säubern. Clawdeen nimmt an, da sie weiß, dass heute Nacht Vollmond ist. Sie gewinnt, wie vorauszusehen war, und macht sich später mit ihren Freunden über Heath lustig, während er seinen Putzdienst verrichtet.

Draculaura hat die Chance, ihren Traummann kennenzulernen, aber sie muss mit ihm in Kontakt treten, bevor die Schule aus ist. Clawdeen riecht, wohin er gegangen ist.

Idol Threat - idol addiction

Cleo setzt ihr Gedankenkontroll-Idol immer häufiger ein, obwohl Clawdeen sich Sorgen macht.

Clawdeen veranstaltet eine Übernachtung, an der auch Lagoona, Cleo und Frankie teilnehmen.

Um Lagoona bei einer unerwarteten Eltern-Lehrer-Konferenz zu helfen, verkleiden Clawdeen, Frankie und Cleo Slo Mo als Lagoonas Tante Lantic, damit er herausfinden kann, worum es bei der Konferenz geht.

TV specials[]

Clawdeen rettet Frankie und Draculaura am Dienstag von Frankies erster Woche an der Monster High vor einem Zombie-Fleischmob und zieht sie in die Mädchentoilette, wo sie sich gerade aufhält. Bei der Erwähnung des Wortes "Blut" fällt Draculaura versehentlich in Ohnmacht, weil sie Vegetarierin ist.

Von da an fungieren Clawdeen und Draculaura als Boten für Cleo, die Frankie am Mittwoch mitteilt, dass Cleo trotz der Ereignisse bei den Fear Squad-Prüfungen Frankie morgen früh zu einem Gespräch über die Aufnahme in die Gruppe einladen möchte. Am Donnerstag wird sie Zeuge, wie Frankie die Creepateria in Angst und Schrecken versetzt, indem sie Deuce als ihren Freund angibt, was Cleo wütend macht, weil sie glaubt, dass Deuce sie betrügt. Am Freitag versöhnt sich Frankie mit ihr und Draculaura und holt sich ihre Hilfe, um Deuce und Cleo wieder zusammenzubringen und dann mit einem Konzert von Justin Biter zu feiern, um Cleo dazu zu bringen, Frankie zu verzeihen und sich auch mit ihr zu versöhnen. Clawdeen wird sogar ein bisschen zu wölfisch, als sie während des Konzerts vor Aufregung heult.

Volume 2[]


Clawdeen diskutiert mit Draculaura und Lagoona auf dem Flur über Make-up, bis Frankie vorbeikommt. Sie fragen sie skeptisch nach dem Fear Squad, von dem Frankie behauptet, dass es gut läuft.

Frankie appelliert an Clawdeens Loyalität, um sie dazu zu bringen, sich für die Fear Squad zu melden.

Cleo ist mit der Leistung der neuen Fear Squad bisher nicht zufrieden und befiehlt ihnen, vorerst an jeder Schulveranstaltung teilzunehmen, um Erfahrungen zu sammeln. Alle ihre Cheers haben katastrophale Folgen für die Leistung der Schule, aber sie versuchen es weiter. Als Folge ihres Missgeschicks bei einem wichtigen Basketballspiel lädt Clawd Draculaura zur Spirit Rally ein, was Clawdeen missbilligt.

Beast Friends - grilled hamburger

Clawdeen ist misstrauisch, was die Gründe für ihre Verabredung angeht, und verhört sowohl Clawd als auch Draculaura.

Die Fear Squad führt den Tanz ohne Cleo auf, versagt aber am Ende. Glücklicherweise ist ihr Versagen vergessen, sobald es Zeit zum Tanzen ist.

Clawdeen versucht, Cleo zu trösten, bis Frankie dem Team mitteilt, dass sie noch eine Chance haben, wenn sie sich für die Wildcard-Methode entscheiden: Sie müssen ein Fearleading-Video machen und es innerhalb von zwei Tagen eine Million Mal auf FrightTube aufrufen. Obwohl die Chancen gering sind, macht sich das Fear Squad sofort an die Arbeit.

Das Video der Fear Squad hat kaum Aufrufe erhalten, also versucht das Team, es zu promoten. Mit der Hilfe von Ghoulia gelingt es ihnen, ein großes Publikum anzulocken und 999.999 Hits zu erreichen. Doch FrightTube wählt diesen Moment, um abzustürzen.

Die Fear Squad schaut besorgt zu, während Ghoulia versucht, etwas gegen den Absturz zu unternehmen. Trotz ihrer Bemühungen schlägt die Uhr 3:00 Uhr nachmittags, bevor es ihr gelingt. Cleo bedankt sich tränenreich bei ihren Freunden für alles, was sie getan haben, aber die Stimmung bessert sich schnell, als Deuce die Nachricht überbringt, dass FrightTube wegen der vielen Zugriffe auf ihr Video abgestürzt ist. Statt einer Million Hits haben sie zwei Millionen Hits. Ihre Gloom Beach-Einladung folgt kurz darauf.

Screech to the Beach - fashion chat

Clawdeen schläft während der Fahrt nach Gloom Beach. Als der Bus ankommt, wacht sie auf und muss feststellen, dass die Fear Squad in einer heruntergekommenen Hütte untergebracht ist.

Als Scary Murphy dem Fear Squad eine Liste mit zu erledigenden Aufgaben gibt, geht Clawdeen diese widerwillig und skeptisch durch.

Nachdem die Aufgaben erledigt sind, entspannt sich der Fear Squad am Strand, während Cleo und Ghoulia eine Routine ausarbeiten. Die Fear Squad versammelt sich in der Abenddämmerung, um die Routine auswendig zu lernen, aber sie werden von den Werkatzen beobachtet.

Erst beim Wettbewerb stellt sich heraus, dass die Werkatzen die Routine der Fear Squad gestohlen und sie an die Smogsnorts weitergegeben haben. Cleo benutzt die Bewegungen aus den Aufgaben, die Scary Murphy sie machen ließ, um eine neue Nummer zu improvisieren, mit der sie den Geisterstab gewinnen.

Clawdeen und der Rest der Fear Squad sind für die Werkatzen zum Ziel ihrer Rache geworden. Zuerst werden sie mit Wasser bespritzt, gerade als ein Furchtbuch-Foto gemacht werden soll, und dann wird Cleo dazu gebracht, in der Nacht von Freitag, dem 13. in der Monster High zu übernachten.

Frightday the 13th - jaws on fear

Clawdeen joins Cleo in spending the night of Friday the 13th at Monster High. They encounter a monster roaming through the school, but it turns out to only seek people to celebrate its birthday with. As well, Clawdeen confesses she hid Clawd's letters to Draculaura. Vorlage:Source

During lunch, the topic moves to relationships and Frankie lies saying she has a boyfriend. The girls want to meet him, so Frankie brings a life-sized voodoo doll to school the next day. Weirded out, the girls assure Frankie she does not need a boyfriend to fit in. Vorlage:Source

Fear Pressure - werecats vs werewolf

Clawd and Draculaura are hanging out again following Clawdeen's confession. Clawdeen can't stand it and presents Draculaura with a steak so she'll faint and Clawd will acknowledge they won't work as a couple. Instead, Clawd is furious, which gets Clawdeen thinking. She apologizes to her best friend and promises to stop driving the two apart. Vorlage:Source

Having just worked through her Biteology Finals, Clawdeen picks up her bag, only for it to be heavier than she expected. She drops it and the contents spill out, revealing four rotten gargoyle eggs. The surveillant, Mr. Rotter, warns Cleo the balloons better not be part of a prank. Vorlage:Source

Ghoulia has discovered that the werecats are behind the odd events of the day. Her friends thus confront the trio and learn that they plan to pin the blame of a stinkbomb on the Fear Squad so that they'll get expelled. The group rushes out and collects the bomb before it drops. Vorlage:Source

It's the end of the school year and Gil and Lagoona talk about how they hope they'll see each other over the summer and that Gil's parents will start to accept their relationship. As they embrace, a ghostly hand appears from the wall and snaps a photo of them with an iCoffin. Elsewhere, Draculaura, Frankie, and Clawdeen are all busy clearing out their lockers when Draculaura comments that she has subscribed to the Ghostly Gossip, a Monster High rumor blog, to keep up with anything happening during the holidays. She then receives an update from the Ghostly Gossip about Gil and Lagoona and the survival chances of their relationship during the summer vacation. Vorlage:Source

The party at the de Nile residence is going strong, much to the delight of Cleo. Clawd is locked in a pizza-eating competition with a hydra. He wins, but rather than congratulate him, Draculaura refuses his company and runs away. Elsewhere, Slo Mo prevents Heath's attempt at music by destroying his guitar. Both events are witnessed and reported on by Spectra Vondergeist on the Ghostly Gossip.

Clawdeen goes to chat with Lagoona and asks her if Gil is enjoying his summer vacation. Lagoona replies that he isn't returning any of her messages and that she fears it has to do with his parents' wrath. As Clawdeen attempts to reassure Lagoona that Gil likely is just busy right now, elsewhere, Frankie Stein is upset because Jackson hasn't yet arrived. His cousin, Heath, doesn't know where he is either but suggests that humans simply can't be trusted. Vorlage:Source


Frankie, Draculaura, and Clawdeen gather at the Coffin Bean after a morning of back-to-school shopping, showing off all of the new clothes and accessories they've bought ready for the new school year. Cleo arrives with several shopping bags, but when the others applaud her for her shopping expertise, she admits that it is actually all for her sister Nefera, who has had her running errands since the beginning of summer.

Nefera then arrives and demands that the other girls give her their shopping too; otherwise, she will tell her father about Cleo's party at the end of the school year. She then says that she is late for her salon appointment and will come back for it later.

The girls then notice that Toralei, Purrsephone, and Meowlody are back from the Trigular Calculometry Summer Math Camp, and Clawdeen overhears them saying that Nefera is always wearing the newest trends, so they want to follow her and copy her look. The girls then get the idea of finding a new 'style' to show to Nefera.

Cleo attaches plungers to her heels, Clawdeen wears toilet paper holders as earrings, Lagoona wears a garbage can as a dress, Frankie wears a beehive on her head, and Draculaura uses roadkill as a purse. Nefera returns and says that they look ridiculous, but they tell her that they are brand new fashion statements, and surely Nefera must have heard about them since she's a famous model.

Nefera is embarrassed about her apparent lack of knowledge of the new 'top fashion' and demands that the girls hand them over to her. She then dresses in her new 'outfit', becoming the laughing stock of the Maul as passers-by take pictures on their iCoffins.

Draculaura says that Nefera will never be able to show her face at the Maul again, to which Cleo replies that it is the best day of her life. Just then, Frankie points out that Toralei and her friends have indeed copied Nefera's new look, to which the girls all laugh. Vorlage:Source

At their lockers, the ghouls discuss being back in school when another text from the Ghostly Gossip, showing a picture of a frozen Heath. When the first bell rings, Frankie questions where Lagoona is, which Cleo replies that she's probably with Gil, as the two haven't seen each other all summer.

Meanwhile, Toralei is assigned to an advanced math class by the guidance counselor, much to the joy of the Fear Squad. Clawdeen asks Toralei outside the counselor's office a very advanced maths question, which Toralei answers. The ghouls cannot help but laugh at her. As Toralei makes her exit, Lagoona walks out of the girl's bathroom, sobbing. She states that Gil's parents sent him to another school, and runs off crying. Jackson comes out of the boy's bathroom; he nervously shrugs off Frankie's questions about Cleo's party, saying that he didn't go because he needed to "change" he then walks back into the boy's bathroom, leaving Frankie a bit confused, as she walks off, slightly disappointed, Spectra snaps a picture of her. Vorlage:Source

Frankie and Abbey's bracelets are still keeping them together, and they're no better friends than before. They go to lunch, and Frankie doesn't want her friends to meet Abbey. She criticizes Clawdeen, Draculaura, and Cleo, and Cleo tells them about Lagoona's swim meet that will be taking place at 2 o'clock. However, since Frankie and Abbey's bracelets require that they stay together until 3, Cleo tells them not to come since Lagoona needs "all the support she can get".

Frankie and Abbey both go into stalls, and they see Toralei and her gang come into the bathroom. Toralei says that she couldn't believe that Frankie and Abbey were unaware that she started the snowball fight. Frankie and Abbey plot revenge when they hear that they plan to throw the rest of the Fear Squad in the pool. After Lagoona's swim meet, with the Fear Squad there to congratulate her, Toralei and her friends are just about to push them in, only to slip when Abbey freezes some water on the ground, causing them to slip and grab a lamp to avoid the water in the pool. The bracelets then come off, and Frankie invites Abbey to come with her and her friends to the Coffin Bean at the maul. Abbey says she would love to go with the ghouls. Frankie leans in to hug Abbey but gets frozen solid, and the episode ends with the Fear Squad laughing. Vorlage:Source

Frankie, Cleo, Clawdeen, and Draculaura are at the Coffin Bean talking about a party last night. Draculaura informs the ghouls they didn't miss anything because the Ghostly Gossip was there. Also the party was DJ-ed by Holt Hyde. The ghouls then tease Frankie a little about her crush on Holt. Draculaura notices that Jackson is at the Maul and the ghouls urge Frankie to "shock some sense into him" about standing her up at Cleo's party. Jackson tells Frankie that he remembered he was going to the party and he was outside and got nervous because Frankie was there and then he blacked out. Frankie then tells about the party and about Holt and asks if he knew him which he says no (and Heath gets super hyper about it). Jackson then asks Frankie for another chance and asks her out on a date to a silent movie at the Revival House. She says yes and the ghouls plan to accompany her on her 1st ever date. At the movie, everyone else besides Frankie and Jackson are bored out of their minds. Clawd then decides to play some music which everyone dances to. Jackson is seen shivering and apologizes to Frankie then leaves. Frankie is hurt once again to be stood up by him again. Draculaura then tells her "what do you expect from a normie" and Frankie says that she thought Jackson was different. Holt then comes in and sits next to Frankie and flirts with her. Frankie, not in the mood, tells him that she's on a date to which he replies with himself. Frankie then leaves and is outside looking for Jackson. Holt is seen getting kicked out the theater and steps into a puddle saying "Not cool!". Holt then transforms back into Jackson and he sees Frankie looking for him. He hides behind the dumpster questioning what is happening to him. Vorlage:Source

Spectra Vondergeist is taking pictures of Deuce and Cleo, Draculaura and Clawd, and Heath Burns. She then retreats back to her hiding place in a closet to make up her gossip.

Frankie notices Jackson in the hallway, but she is blown off yet again, leaving her confused and slightly hurt. Then Toralei shows her a text from the Ghostly Gossip stating that she was dating two boys at once (Jackson and Holt), and that there was the possibility of a third. This leads her to accuse Draculaura of being the Ghostly Gossip, which turns into a fight between the ghouls until Lagoona shows up and tells them that the Ghostly Gossip is the one tearing them apart.

They hatch an idea to leave their diaries on the ground, and the one that remains untouched is the traitors. As they turn around, Spectra floats in from under the ground and attempts to snap a few photos before Lagoona and Ghoulia, who had been hiding in the bleachers, point her out. The girls question her motives, but Spectra explains that she wasn't even trying to hurt them.

She says that she idolizes them, and writing stories about them was her way of showing it. She wanted to let others live their lives through their exploits, and because she only heard half of what they said, it was up to her artistic side to make up the rest. Frankie says that she could've just asked them, to which Spectra replies that she was much too shy for that. They decide to be Spectra's friend but just as long as she didn't write anything about them anymore. Vorlage:Source

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Frankie Stein soon realizes that the same thing might happen between Holt Hyde and Jackson Jekyll over her.

After consulting Teen Scream, she gets the advice to ask her friends, which turns disastrous. Lagoona Blue breaks out in tears over Gil; Clawdeen Wolf and Draculaura completely ignore her while favoring a conversation about when Clawd Wolf can go out with Draculaura, and Cleo de Nile is too preoccupied spying on Deuce Gorgon and Operetta, in which she finds "evidence" that Deuce Gorgon was legitimately cheating on her. Vorlage:Source

Headless Headmistress Bloodgood calls for an emergency fearleading meeting. In honour of making Monster Mashionals, she and the school board selected a new coach for the team, which is revealed to be none other than Nefera de Nile. Vorlage:Source

After praising Nefera de Nile, Headless Headmistress Bloodgood rides away, leaving the ghouls in frustration, especially Cleo de Nile. But when Clawdeen expresses confusion as to why Nefera would "waste her time with a bunch of high school ghouls" when she has a big career as a fashion model, Ghoulia finds some incriminating articles revealing that Nefera was kicked out of Fashion Week because of her "monstrous" attitude, effectively ending her career in the fashion industry (for now at least).

Even still, Headless Headmistress Bloodgood says that they must do what Nefera de Nile says to win Monster Mashionals, which doesn't end well at all. Nefera de Nile presents several terrible routines. After delivering a speech about how she could never lead them, she replaces the squad with Toralei Stripe and the were-cat twins, Purrsephone and Meowlody. Vorlage:Source

When Nefera fires the Fearleading Team and replaces them with Toralei and the werecat twins. Cleo, Clawdeen, and Draculaura decide to give up. Frankie says that she will never give up. She goes down to the Trophy Case and sees a Trophy they won for a routine about never giving up. This inspires her to try and convince the others to go back on the Fearleading Squad.

Frankie convinces Draculaura by showing that Clawd was sad about losing a practice game because of the new Fearleading Squad when he is really not. Clawdeen says she is in only if Draculaura is in. Then they lure Cleo down by the Trophy Case when Cleo says she is a failure. Frankie, still trying to convince Cleo, shows her the Spirit Staff they won at Gloom Beach. Cleo becomes so angry about winning the Spirit Staff and never even making it to Monster Mashionals she throws the staff to the ground, and it breaks.

Scary Murphy shows up and is disappointed that Cleo is giving up and tells her that the others rely on her. Then Scary Murphy says that she will even help them to make them be back Fearleading Team again. Cleo agrees and is willing to give it a chance. Vorlage:Source

When Nefera says that the B-team can't practice on school grounds, Operetta lets them preform in the catacombs in her theatre. After long and arduous training sessions under guidance of Scary Murphy and with musical backup from Operetta, they are ready for Monster Mashionals.

Both A-team and B-team of Monster High earn themselves a place in the grand finale. However, shortly before the match, Nefera approaches the B-team and shows them she has brought along a bag full of charms to turn the tide in her favor. This leaves Cleo convinced that she has no chance of winning against her older sister and the A-team. Vorlage:Source

As Nefera prepares to cheat, Toralei and the twins confront her—Toralei tries convincing Nefera that she and the twins can beat Cleo and her B-squad on their own (without the use of Nefera's idols). Nefera, however, refuses to listen and continues with her vile plan. Meanwhile, Cleo is almost in tears about how they can't possibly beat Nefera with her tricks, but with a little, uplifting speech given by Deuce, she is just as ready as ever to beat Nefera.

While the ghouls are performing, Nefera attempts her idols and charms, to which all are blocked by the ghoul's friends. The first sends a magic spell at the ghouls, but Abbey freezes it in mid-air. The second turns out the stage lights, only for Heath to provide light with his flames long enough for Ghoulia to turn the lights back on. The third summons a royal guard who throws a disk at the Fearleaders, but Clawd catches it before it reaches them. The fourth summons a shadow-like monster that flies toward the stage, but Operetta shatters the idol with her voice, causing the monster to vanish.

Nefera is soon reduced to her very last one, which summons a large Scargoyle behind the ghouls. However, Toralei and the Werecat Twins show up and scare it off when they bare their fangs. Toralei (speaking for herself and the twins) admits that as much as they want to win, they'd rather not do it through cheating. The ghouls finish their performance without any more interruptions and ultimately win Monster Mashionals.

Nefera shows her true colors when she snatches the trophy from the ghouls' hands and starts claiming that she technically won since she's the coach. But Ghoulia shows Scary Murphy a video of Nefera deploying her idols, to which Scary Murphy not only disqualifies Nefera for cheating but also has her stripped of all her previous fearleading awards. As the ghouls are lifted up by their friends, Cleo and Toralei (and her werecats) flash a friendly smile at each other. Vorlage:Source

Special webisodes[]

Nefera appears from the doorway and casually ridicules Cleo's fashion sense. This hits Cleo deeply, and in her anger, she insults Clawdeen's choice of new lip gloss. Clawdeen lashes out at Draculaura by claiming her look is outdated, and Draculaura subsequently calls Frankie nosy when the latter asks if she's okay. Ghoulia witnesses these and many more fights between girls break loose as a chain reaction of negative feelings. When her friends finally gather in the creepateria yet still won't stop fighting, Ghoulia requests help from the Kind Campaign founders.

The duo gathers all the girls at Monster High in the auditorium and presents them with two questions: 1.) Have they ever been treated badly by someone else?; and 2.) Have they ever treated someone else badly? Everyone present, except Cleo, confesses to both, and the Kind Campaign founders make it a point that each of them can put an end to the negative feelings. They present the crowd with a special booth which they can enter one by one. Inside is a mirror to which they can confess their true feelings, after which each reflection comes alive for a moment to explain that harsh treatment always hurts but that they can choose not to hurt others. All take the message to heart.

Cleo is the last one to enter the booth, which she does reluctantly, and also the one who stays in the longest. When she comes out, she breaks down at the sight of her friends and apologizes. Monster High is back to being a pleasant place, just like Ghoulia hoped it would be. Later that day, she and Cleo come across Nefera again, and rather than insult her back for the earlier remark, Cleo calls her a great older sister. Nefera is actually moved by this enough to act polite to the Kind Campaign founders in return. Vorlage:Source

TV specials[]

The ghouls have an appointment at the Maul to go see TwiHard IV: Abs of Intrigue. While waiting, Ghoulia buys herself a smoothie, but Cleo takes it from her and drinks it herself. Draculaura is late because she and Clawd discovered a sale and Draculaura just had to buy some of the outfits and accessories. Amused, the group makes their way to the theatre, where a long line has formed by then, mostly consisting of Belfry Prep vampires and Crescent Moon High werewolves. All of them react oddly to the sight of the group, and Clawd theorizes it's because he, as a werewolf, and Draculaura, as a vampire, are friends. Frankie resolves to say something about it, ignoring Lagoona's and Clawdeen's protests. She loudly tells the vampires and werewolves present that Clawd and Draculaura are dating, causing even more muttering, at which point Lagoona finally gets to say she thinks the initial attention was because Draculaura has toilet paper stuck on her boot. The theatre opens, and the vampires and werewolves rush inside, trampling the Monster High students, who decide to catch a later show.

Later on, the student body gets caught in the excitement of an announcement, for which they are asked to gather in the vampitheater. As the students speculate about the nature of the announcement, Draculaura and Clawdeen spot Howleen, Clawdeen's younger sister, looking for a place to sit. Clawdeen invites her over, but Howleen tells her she isn't going to sit with her big sister. Just then, Clawdeen notices that Howleen is using her old backpack and gets angry that Howleen again has been stealing stuff from her.

Bloodgood appoints the Fear Squad as the welcoming committee, something that only excites Frankie. Later, as the Fear Squad prepares with the help of Ghoulia, Lagoona, and Gil, Frankie is both made clear that everyone is pessimistic about their chances of making werewolves and vampires get along and made leader of the project, as she remains positive and enthusiastic about the matter nonetheless. The group promises to help her as well as they can, including Abbey, who comes in to return Frankie's right arm after she threw it through the window by accident.

The next day, the Fear Squad welcomes the new students, and all goes as disastrous as predicted. Cleo finds that the Belfry Prep student body doesn't respect her as the Monster High student body does, and the vampires and werewolves nearly get into a fight with each other.

Right before the fight can commence in the gym, Howleen and Draculaura burst in to tell both sides to stop. The werewolves and vampires are surprised to see their kin well and free, so Bloodgood and Frankie explain Van Hellscream's plan and why Monster High is such a threat to him. Realizing they've been manipulated for awful goals, the vampires and werewolves agree to peace, and the entire student body gets together to quickly put up a party to leave a good impression with the Skullastic Superintendents.Vorlage:Source

Volume 3[]


Cleo has Frankie, Clawdeen, Draculaura, Ghoulia, and Abbey over for a slumber party. This is a new experience for Abbey, so the girls summarize all the activities they like to do at a sleepover. Cleo brings up her favorite party game: Gargoyles to Gargoyles, which draws a few weary looks from her older friends.

As the girls prepare for a game of Gargoyles to Gargoyles to please Cleo, she proudly warns Abbey that she is undefeated. What neither Cleo nor Abbey know, though, is that Cleo is undefeated because the other girls let her win. After all, Cleo is very competitive, and they are afraid to offend her by winning. Draculaura, Clawdeen, and Frankie all create their own defeats to get the game over with, but Abbey puts up a challenge for Cleo. The girls take her aside for a moment to explain the situation, but Abbey does not agree with their choice for cowardice.

Cleo and Abbey are at each other's throats back at the game, but Abbey is too good or lucky for Cleo to beat. Abbey triumphantly knocks Cleo out of the game, and the other girls cringe as Cleo seemingly bursts into anger. But instead, Cleo is actually delighted to lose because she's been looking for a worthy competitor. She exclaims that they'll be playing all night, and the other girls, understanding that they misjudged Cleo, happily join in.Vorlage:Source

The girls prepare for a class trip to Monte Scarlo. As Frankie voices her enthusiasm, she suddenly sneezes. Mr. Rotter hears this and warns her that she may not attend the class trip if she gets sick. Frankie tries to assure him and her friends she is fine, but her next sneeze causes three other students to get shocked by her electricity. Cleo warns the others to stay away from Frankie lest they get sick too and become unable to go on the class trip. Clawdeen apologizes to Frankie for shutting her out, but then she sneezes too, causing her fur to stand up. Next is Operetta, whose sneeze breaks Ghoulia's glasses and the windows and causes several students to be blown out of the building. Finally, Cleo and Draculaura both sneeze at the time, causing them to be covered in heart-shaped pimples and pyramid-shaped pimples, respectively.

As the girls try to think of something to be cured before the bus leaves, Gory mockingly tells of how much fun she'll be having at Monte Scarlo. Abbey warns the girls the bus will leave soon, but they tell her to leave them or else she might get sick too. Abbey informs them the people of her village rarely get sick. Meanwhile, Ghoulia figures out the cure they need is a "monster thistle," which Frankie knows grows in the catacombs. The girls ask Abbey to get it for them, to which she complies.

Gory keeps teasing the girls on the ground floor and claims Abbey won't be back in time. However, Abbey does return in time and blows the monster thistle's pollen over her friends, who get well instantly. However, since Abbey is allergic to the pollen, the action causes her to sneeze and freeze Gory to the floor. The girls run off to catch the bus, leaving a distraught Gory to seemingly miss out on the trip. Vorlage:Source


Abbey sits alone on Monster High's front stairs, looking at the hills in the distance, all sad when she is spotted by Frankie and Draculaura. The two approach her and ask what's wrong, but Abbey denies that anything is wrong. As she's clearly lying, Frankie and Draculaura collect Ghoulia, Clawdeen, and Cleo to see if they can find out what is bothering Abbey.

At the library, Ghoulia finds a book detailing the customs of the village Abbey is from, which reveals that on that particular day, the girls from Abbey's village begin a week of lone tribulations in the Himalaya Mountains. Because Monster High's Finals Week is also starting, Abbey can't participate in her village's challenge. The girls feel sorry for her, but Ghoulia creates a plan to help Abbey.

Later, Abbey meets Cleo and Clawdeen in front of the central clock and asks if they want help with Biteology. Cleo and Clawdeen simultaneously state they can't because they have to go to the Maul and the movies, then quickly depart. Even later, Abbey notices Frankie and Draculaura leaving Headless Headmistress Bloodgood's office and tries to get their attention, but they avoid her. Rejected, Abbey doesn't even notice Ghoulia sneaking away from her too.

Abbey makes her way to the creepateria, where, to her surprise, the girls are waiting for her. They reveal that they wanted to surprise her and open the freezer, explaining that they have arranged for Abbey to spend a week in there to at least feel like she's back home. Ghoulia even set up a webcam so she can still participate in Finals Week. Frankie (speaking for herself and the others) explains to Abbey that if something's bothering her, it's okay to tell them about it because, as her friends, they want to help her. Abbey's very touched by what Frankie and the others did for her, and the other girls soon leave since the freezer isn't suited for them. Once they have left, Abbey turns around and pushes two blocks of ice aside, revealing Ricky. She challenges him for a match of arm wrestling, which he accepts. Vorlage:Source

Clawdeen and Howleen step outside the door, once again caught in a fierce argument about Howleen's tendency to borrow Clawdeen's clothes without asking (in this case, a dress that Howleen claims Clawdeen doesn't even wear anymore and claims looks better on her than it does on Clawdeen). Once they've gone back inside, Deuce comments how hard it must be to be living with sisters who fight like that. Romulus clarifies it's a wolf thing to establish dominance, remarking that his own sisters always make a competition out of everything. This gives Clawd a great idea on how to get his chores done--he tells Deuce and Romulus that he'll be able to see the movie with them and asks to come back within an hour, claiming that he'll have his chores done by then.

Clawd first goes to Clawdeen's room with a basket full of laundry, casually asking if she's seen Howleen because he wants some tips from her for how to do laundry perfectly. This riles up Clawdeen, who grabs the basket to show Clawd she's better at it than he claims Howleen to be. Next, Clawd goes to Howleen and pulls the same stunt to get her to mow the lawn. Every time a sister is done with one chore, he goes back to trick her into doing another by bringing up the other sister.

An hour later, Romulus and Deuce return and ask if Clawd can come. Clawd mirthfully says he can, making it no secret to his sisters he manipulated them to do his chores for him. As he goes off to the movies with his friends, for one moment, Clawdeen and Howleen drop their conflict to be angry at their brother, right until Clawdeen suggests she figured out Clawd's game before Howleen did. Vorlage:Source

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The trio goes to see Cleo, because as the most popular girl at Monster High, her popularity allows her to influence the students in a way none of them can. Though Cleo wants to help, but thinks that associating herself with trash would sooner harm her popularity than boost the will to recycle in the other students. She elaborates they need to make recycling seem cool, to which Clawdeen suggests a fashion show.

The girls get to work recycling trash into fashionable dresses, and with the help of some friends they turn the creepateria into a fashion hall. Heath hosts the show, which easily sways the students' mindset on recycling. At the end of the show, the trash in the creepateria is all sorted in the appropriate trashcans, and Venus is happy. Vorlage:Source

Frankie and the other ghouls receive detention from Mr. Rotter but aren't given a reason why. Instead, Mr. Rotter interrogates them one by one, expecting them to confess something. Cleo goes first, which she confesses that she used an idol to cut in front of everyone in the lunch line, but it cursed her pizza, bringing it to life. That wasn't the confession he was hoping for.

Then, Frankie confesses about a perfume-induced sneeze caused her to accidentally shock students in the hallway, but that wasn't what Mr. Rotter wanted to hear either. Lagoona admitted to her crime of passion due to the frogs almost being dissected, and Clawdeen admits that her brother ate her homework. Heath confesses to burning several items, and Draculaura's confession is so full of mixed information that Mr. Rotter, frustrated, dismisses her.

Finally giving in, he admits that he believes that one of them stole his glasses, but in reality, they were on his head the entire time. As he dismisses the students, he yells about someone stealing his pen, but Clawdeen points out it was still in his pocket. As Mr. Rotter sits down in the interrogation chair, the cursed pizza activates it and shocks him.Vorlage:Source

Frankie informs Ms. Kindergrubber and her fellow students at Home Ick that her and Jackson's project for the finals is done. Jackson removes the blanket covering the project, and a live gingerbread boy stands up to bow for the audience along with his creators. The rest of the class is impressed, though some think that Frankie in particular took the assignment a little too seriously. Frankie doesn't listen and adds the last bits of icing on the gingerbread boy, whom she has to keep from eating his own, delicious hand. Vorlage:Source

The third victim is Clawdeen, whose notebook is borrowed by Hoodude. Toralei pushes him into the fountain, where he is attacked by tentacles, which Clawdeen ends up feeling the hits from. Fourthly, Lagoona's frisbee is borrowed, which Toralei, in a pretend game, throws into a cactus field for Hoodude to catch. Needless to say, Lagoona felt the needles.

Lagoona goes to her friends and relays what happened to her, and Frankie points out she had a similar experience. Draculaura questions why Toralei has been hanging out with Hoodude, and the ghouls get their answer when Toralei pushes in one of Hoodude's needles as he holds Cleo's Biteology book, causing her chest pain. Lagoona then gets an idea and, after giving Hoodude Toralei's bracelet, lets him practice off the high dive of the pool as a test for Swim Team membership. This causes Toralei to get splashed with water for the next three hours.Vorlage:Source


The ghouls go down to the catacombs to see the lab of Frankie's father when he used to attend in Monster High. On their way there, they bumped into Hoodude, who wants to tag along with them. The ghouls refused, but Frankie said that Hoodude was lonely and that she allowed him to come. Clawdeen shows the biggest refusal, saying that there's nothing but trouble everywhere he goes. After Hoodude promised not to touch anything, Frankie Stein convinced the ghouls by saying, "it's the nice thing to do."

After opening the door to Frankenstein's laboratory, Hoodude accidentally reveals a cage containing a small cat. Hoodude asked if it's dangerous, to which Clawdeen replied, "Yeah, dangerously cute!", finding no harm in it. She reaches in to pet it, but the cat suddenly roared, revealing it's massive mouth and rows of razor sharp teeth. Clawdeen tried to pull her arm out of the cage, but her jacket's caught on a nail. In a moment of bravery, Hoodude pushes her aside and is dragged in the cage himself, where he finds himself treated as a new chewtoy. Since Hoodude doesn't feel physical pain, no one was hurt except for Heath Burns, who feels the biting sensation a few floors above the ghouls. Vorlage:Source

Clawdeen and Frankie get a text from Cleo, which says that there's a big emergency. When the duo opens the door to enter the school building, a mob of fleeing students runs outside. They go inside to investigate what could possibly be causing such terror, only to find that one of the classrooms is full of injured students. Cleo is taking care of Deuce's injuries and explains that Hoodude is having a bad day, to which Clawdeen responds that thus everyone is having a bad day. The three of them explore the hallways to find Hoodude, looking decidedly down, and Clawdeen tells Frankie that she has to fix him since she is Hoodude's creator. Frankie retorts that she is not a mindreader, which reminds them all of someone who is: Scarah Screams.

Scarah is fetched, but because Hoodude's mind is not as coherent as most, she can't reach further than his sense of sadness and tells Clawdeen and Frankie they'll have to go inside Hoodude's mind. They enlist Ghoulia for this, who prepares a machine that'll get them inside Hoodude's head. Scarah gives them a quick tour before they reach the memory center, where they learn that Hoodude's sad because he tried to run for Student Disembodied President but was made fun of by Heath Burns. Scarah explains that they need to boost his self-esteem and take others to Hoodude's emotion center, where she repairs the torn self-appreciation cable.

The trio returns to their own minds and find that Hoodude's depression is all gone. Hoodude thanks Scarah as he practically dances out of the laboratory. The girls watch him go, wondering if he really is better now. Hoodude runs into Heath in the hallway and tells him that he can't hurt him anymore. To make a point, Hoodude hugs himself, driving several needles on him deeper into his body, which is felt by Heath. As Hoodude kisses himself, oblivious to Heath's pain, Scarah suggests that they might need to make a few more tweaks. Vorlage:Source

Cleo calls Clawdeen about a party at her house, to which Clawdeen Wolf calls Frankie, Frankie calls Lagoona, and Lagoona calls Abbey. However, Clawdeen mentions that she can't get a hold of Draculaura and that she's more stressed than any of them about her finals, so she goes to her house only to find her sobbing. Clawdeen calls the other ghouls over and tries to comfort her, to which Draculaura reveals she has polka dots all over her face, claiming she has 'polka-dot fever', which is caused by stress. The real problem, though, is that Draculaura is saddened that she will miss the party, but Clawdeen exclaims that if she's not going to make it, they weren't throwing it at all, to which everyone agrees except Cleo.

Draculaura disagrees and says to go on with the party without her before breaking out in tears once more. Clawdeen then says her great-great grandwolf Harriet had an amazing home remedy to cure polka-dot fever. The girls agree to try her cure, but it only works for a split second. Abbey tries to apply one of her village's century-old cures, and again, it's gone for a moment then comes directly back to her. Lagoona Blue puts frogs around her, but that doesn't even work at all. Finally, Cleo tries to cure it using one of her ancient powders, but predictably the dots only disappear for a second. As Draculaura walks away, still depressed, Frankie's bolts spark, and she exclaims she has an idea.

Outside Cleo's party, the ghouls have Draculaura blindfolded, and when it's removed, Frankie says since they couldn't get the dots off, they decided to make the party polka-dot themed. Overjoyed, Draculaura wipes away a tear as she says they're the best ghouls any vampire could ask for and that her stress is gone. And at that moment, so were her dots. The webisode ends with all the ghouls dancing and having a good time at the party.Vorlage:Source

Spectra floats through school, sadly mentioning that it is a slow news day and that she needs a new story when she suddenly overhears Frankie on her phone saying she has tickets to a concert. Not refusing a gossip chance, Spectra reports the story, she says as she is speaking aloud before her laptop computer: "She gets to take her best friend", then while typing says: "Her choice to go with will reveal her BFF."

Once the gossip goes live, Cleo assumes it is her, but Clawdeen and Draculaura assume the same thing, following up with Ghoulia, Jackson, Lagoona, and Abbey. An argument starts between them, and they confront Frankie, all saying that they are her best friend and should go to the concert with her.

Confused, Frankie states she's not her best friend, which they all groan sadly too, and Frankie then says she's taking her best friends. Thus ending the feud between them, the ghouls then confront Spectra, who admits she only heard half the story and, like always, forgot to hear the important facts, the infamous reporter of the Ghostly Gossip disappears through the wall.Vorlage:Source

Clawd then questions Robecca about using her typewriter and suggests using his laptop; then Draculaura suggests using her tablet and then Cleo, Frankie, Clawdeen, Heath, Draculaura and Clawd offer Robecca to let her borrow their electronics for her schoolwork. Robecca then explains how she likes doing things the 'old fashioned way' and Draculaura questions her about it being harder to do the work Robecca's way. Robecca answers she finds it much more satisfying to do it her way and the ghouls are suprised at her reply to Draculaura's question. Robecca then suggests they should try it and everyone immediately disagrees with her on her suggestion as the bell rings. Vorlage:Source

Nefera walks up to her sister and the current fear squad in the Maul and asks where they're going. Frankie explains that every year the fear squad works at the Coffin Bean for free, with Clawdeen adding that all the proceeds go to a children's charity. Nefera brags that she still holds the record for the most money earned, but Cleo jumps in and says, "until today." Draculaura, knowing what's going to happen, says, "Here we go."

The next scene shows Frankie and Cleo standing next to a device that Frankie explains will keep track of how much money they earn for the charity. It has a tag on it that shows Nefera's record, and Frankie says they need to get a little bit above her record, but Cleo says they should put their goal twice as high as Nefera's. Draculaura's then shown at the counter, getting excited about their first customers of the day, who are Lagoona, her boyfriend, Gil, and Ghoulia. Lagoona and Gil take their orders while Cleo and Frankie make the orders.

Later, Frankie says they've almost beaten Nefera's record, to which Cleo excitedly responds that her sister's record will be ancient history. With a line out the door showing a big chance of victory for Cleo, Nefera's shown spying on her sister's success until Toralei comes up to her. Toralei teases that Nefera's record will be broken, but then Nefera brings out an amulet that she calls "Cleo's bad luck charm." Nefera activates the amulet, and it does its job, causing much damage in the Coffin Bean, which ends up making the fear squad owe a bunch of money for the damages, and they're back to where they originally started.

Nefera then walks into the shop and says that her sister's attempt was an epic fail, laughing at their failure to break her record. Cleo then says it's over, and Lagoona asks her if she's really giving up. Frankie points out to Cleo and the others that to actually achieve Cleo's goal, they'd have to serve at least 500-customers within at least an hour––when Frankie laments that she doesn't even know 500-monsters, Lagoona assures her and the rest of the squad that together, they do. They all start texting their contacts, showing Spectra, Ghoulia, Slo Mo, and Clawd getting some texts.

The Coffin Bean is then shown again, full with customers and a line out the door. Nefera, not realizing what's going on first, sees what's happening now and is angered by her sister's success. Draculaura's then shown giving orders to some of the customers, and then Nefera's shown again when a mob of zombies comes by towards the Coffin Bean. At first, Nefera tries to prevent them from entering, but she gets trampled by them. Frankie goes to the device that's keeping track of all the money earned and excitedly shouts that they've actually exceeded way beyond Cleo's goal and made it way past the top of the device.

Everyone celebrates the fear squad's success. Nefera's then shown the aftermath of getting trampled by the zombies, and Toralei walks up to her. Toralei then jokes that it seems that the amulet was actually her "bad luck charm" rather than Cleo's. Nefera accidentally drops the amulet, and it breaks, and then Nefera's shown with a troubled expression, knowing what's going to happen now that the amulet's broken. Vorlage:Source

The Dance of the Dead is next Friday and Draculaura, Abbey, Cleo, Clawdeen, and Frankie are full of excitement about it. During their conversation, it comes up that Abbey won't go to the dance because no boy asked her to be her date. The girls are flabberghasted, but before they can react properly, Heath approaches. He requests their attention, and specifically Abbey's, for a juggling act. He does well for about two seconds, after which he fails to catch all balls and two even land on his hand. Abbey's amused, but Draculaura sends him away. The girls suggest that Abbey tries speeddating to find herself a date for the dance, to which Abbey agrees.

The girls arrange everything for Abbey, and soon a long line of boys has formed for a chance to be her date. Cleo spots Heath in the line and gets the others to remove him, as none of them believe that he is not trying to pull a prank. Abbey, meanwhile, is rejecting one candidate after the other. With the line growing smaller, Heath returns and burns the clothes of the last candidate, which has him running off to extinguish the flames and the others distracted. Heath sneaks past to Abbey. He has just enough time to ask her to pick him before Abbey's friends send him away. Dejectedly, Heath makes his way to the door but trips, making Abbey laugh. As such, she accepts him as her date. Vorlage:Source

Spectra presents a documentary that reflects on the ups and downs of the fusion of Monster High, Belfry Prep, and Crescent Moon High. With vampires and werewolves having a century-old feud between them, it did not not start well, but the ideals of Monster High managed to win out.

For the documentary, Spectra sits down with Bram Devein and Gory Fangtell, the leaders of the Belfry Prep students, Romulus, the leader of the Crescent Moon High students, and Frankie Stein, who had worked the hardest to make the fusion a success. They each recall events of the early days of the fusion that almost made it fail, taking blame where proper.

Spectra concludes her documentary by repeating the introduction: the fusion worked out because Monster High's ideals bring monsters of all kinds together. To illustrate the current quality of vampire-werewolf relations, she draws special attention to Draculaura and Clawd. Ironically, they are just in the middle of an argument. Vorlage:Source

Eventually, Ghoulia gives up and sits down. At that moment, she is approached by Cleo, Clawdeen, and Draculaura, who then learn of the theft and resolve to get the scooter back for Ghoulia. They chase after Toralei until she enters the catacombs, which is zombie territory. Thinking quickly, Ghoulia gives Slo Mo a call to mobilize the zombies and corner Toralei, which they easily accomplish. Upon accusation of theft, Toralei claims she had only taken the scooter to wash it for Ghoulia. Ghoulia takes her up on that explanation and under careful watch by the zombies, Toralei is forced to clean the scooter. Cleo even hands Toralei the werecat's own toothbrush to get to the hard-to-reach spots. Vorlage:Source

Rochelle is with Clawdeen and Draculaura, and while she is writing up a hall pass, Clawdeen remarks that they don't need a hall pass because Rochelle is their permanent one. Rochelle is annoyed that they would take advantage of her like that, and she hands them their passes.

Rochelle is alone in the hallway later on and admits that it does not feel good to be giving passes to her friends and believes that the job of a safety officer is probably not the job for her.

She returns to the Headmistress's office and is about to return the badge, when suddenly, the ghouls yell, "Surprise!" and yellow balloons fall. The Headmistress congratulates Rochelle on passing her test, and she promotes her to the head of her new safety team, which consists of Heath, Manny, and Slo Mo. Heath announces, "Deputy Burns, reporting for duty!". His hair ignites when he tries to salute, thus causing his sleeve to catch fire. Manny then grabs a book and tries to put out the fire. Rochelle, shocked, questions how she'll protect the school from the safety team. Vorlage:Source

Cleo is stoked about the arrival of the Fall collection of Sasquatchy & Cadaver in the Maul tomorrow and has invited Clawdeen, Draculaura, and Frankie to plan a strategy to be the first in line at the sale. Cleo enthusiastically explains the plan at the Coffin Bean, which distracts all four of them from time passing and the Maul closing. When finally Cleo is done with her explanation, the group realizes they are locked in. They consider calling Ghoulia and asking her to hack the system so they can go home, but Cleo suggests they spend the night instead to ensure they are first in line. Partial motivation is the crowd of zombies standing in front of the Maul who also wish to get in on the sale.

Following minor provocation from Cleo, Slo Mo calls Ghoulia to open the doors for him and his friends. As Cleo's group is gone to get popcorn, the zombies swarm in and form a line well before the girls return. Cleo does not take defeat well, though, and grabs the store sign as the line starts where the sign is. She runs off with it, joined by her friends and followed by several zombies until she's back at the Sasquatchy & Cadaver store when the Maul opens.

Slo Mo, who didn't follow the sign, is dedicated to guarding the store's doors, demanding he is the first customer as he wants a gift for Ghoulia. Cleo is neither moved nor willing to accept to be second in line. She takes out one of her family's artifacts and explains that she will teleport Slo Mo away with it but accidentally uses it on herself. She reappears at the back of the line, screaming as she realizes she's last. Vorlage:Source

Cleo, Lagoona, Frankie, and Clawdeen sit at a lunch table when Cleo asks if anyone saw Brain Dead Beach the previous night, and Clawdeen replies she was howling about it. Then, Draculaura comes running and screams, "Cooties!" in which she warns the ghouls that one of the students has cooties.

Cleo, Lagoona, and Clawdeen freak out and follow Draculaura, saying they gotta get out of there. They exit the cafeteria and into the hallways. Frankie tells them to wait and says even she knows cooties don't exist. Draculaura then says they are real, and Cleo backs her up, saying nobody would go near her to make sure they don't catch it themselves.

Clawdeen then explains that if she does, then she has to pass them on to someone else before she becomes an outcast. Frankie then makes a comeback by saying it's a myth they use to scare little kids. Lagoona then comments that they are real and they're scary. Some of the backgrounders are then shown running away, and Simon Clops has it. He then passes them onto Invisi Billy, who turns invisible and passes them off to Gory. Everyone backs away from her, but then Howleen and Romulus walk out of the catacombs, talking, unaware of what was going on. Gory, taking the chance, turns into a bat and passes them on to Howleen, who passes them on to Romulus. Romulus then gets upset at her and calls Howleen a traitor to her own pack for giving him cooties.

Cleo, remembering that, grabs her teleportation amulet, and she transports to Toralei. She gives Toralei the cooties and teleports away. Purrsephone and Meowlody back away from Toralei, and Toralei remarking they are supposed to be her best friends, and gets sad. Frankie then says for everyone to stop and walks over to Toralei. Cleo tells Frankie to not do it, but Frankie says they may be real, but that doesn't mean they have to play along. Frankie asks Toralei to give them to her, and Toralei gives them to her without question.

Frankie then says that if they want to banish her, then go ahead. Lagoona then realizes and agrees with Frankie that it doesn't matter if she has cooties; she's still herself. Clawdeen follows Lagoona's action and says she's still her friend. Cleo then agrees, and Frankie then begins sparking, and the cooties get annoyed with her electric power, causing them to leave, and everyone rejoices over the cooties leaving the building. Vorlage:Source

Frankie then walks over to her friends marveling that they are so excited for the upcoming year. She wishes that she was too and sparks on Clawdeen who bursts into life and claims how excited she is about launching her own clothing line and quickly falls back into submission. Frankie then zaps Cleo who announces 'her word of 2013' then finally Frankie moves onto Ghoulia who moans and Frankie translates "Of course you're gonna cure Skulliosis" and giggles. She then angrily glares at Heath and asks what he is doing. Heath declares that he is building a fort out of zombies and creates an imaginary finger gun and pretends to shoot some 'frozen' friends.

Frankie then walks around describing what other monsters will be doing including Operetta, Venus and Robecca. However, Frankie still feels upset that she has no plans and Heath cheers her up by saying that the idea of 2013 means that there are so many surprises waiting for her. Frankie suddenly feels much better and wonders how Heath suddenly became so smart and Heath tells her that is was a secret. Finally, Frankie is ready for the new year and reverses the freezing by feeling so happy. The students count down from three and all shout Happy boo year! Heath salutes and promptly falls over as Spectra catches a picture of him falling. Vorlage:Source

Picture Day is tomorrow and Draculaura, Clawdeen, Cleo, Ghoulia, and Abbey are looking forward to it. They call each other to talk about just how excited they are. When they call Frankie, they are shocked to learn she isn't at all fazed by Picture Day. They rush to her house to amend the situation with a slumber party fashion show.

All through the night, the girls experiment with the clothes, shoes, hats, and other accessories they brought along to the Stein residence to find the perfect look to be photographed in. While they do succeed, they also take very long to do so and go to bed later then would've been wise. None of them wake up until 8:00, which is when the pictures are taken.

The group rushes to school but arrives only in time to see the school photographer leave. They beg him to stay just a little longer and take their pictures, but he has other appointments to show up on. Seeing the distress on the girls' faces, he notes that he'll be back for other photos next week and that he'll take their pictures then too. The girls are relieved at first, but they panic when they realize they only have one week to pick new outfits. Vorlage:Source


For Home Ick, each student is required to create one dish live on Monster High's screen system. Ghoulia bakes cakes, which receive a good grade from Ms. Kindergrubber. Kindergrubber presents Cleo as tomorrow's chef, and also reminds Cleo that she'll have to do the recipe of her choosing from memory.

Cleo starts off well as she searches for a good De Nile family recipe, but she is called by someone and loses herself in the chat until late that night, after which she falls asleep. She shoots awake the next morning, acutely aware that she has no recipe. At school, she confides to her friends and Ghoulia Yelps offers her a recipe: raspscary boofflé. Cleo is grateful, but notes she will never learn it by head in time before Home Ick. Just then, Scarah walks by and Draculaura casually asks her if she enjoyed Telepathy Camp. Scarah answers she had a blast and walks on, while Cleo comes up with a plan: Scarah can read Ghoulia's recipe for her and use her telepathy to get the knowledge to her. Draculaura notes that telepathy is still hard for Scarah, as she keeps mixing up all the thoughts she receives, but Cleo is certain of her plan. Vorlage:Source

Ghoulia attempts to invite Toralei, Meowlody, and Purrsephone to her party, but is met with mockery because she can't voice the purpose of her interruption fast enough on account of being a zombie. Ghoulia's friends come to her aid, but this does not stop the werecats from mocking Ghoulia. Ghoulia retorts that she's just as fast as Toralei, so Toralei proposes a race: Whoever gets to Hackington's classroom at the other side of the school first wins. The loser will help with the catering at the winner's party. Ghoulia accepts the challenge, after which the werecats swiftly run off.

Ghoulia's friends contemplate how they can help Ghoulia win the race and if they have a right to interfere, but before they can reach a conclusion, Ghoulia has already left. She makes her way to the catacombs, while aboveground the werecats have run out of breath and decide to walk the rest of the way, as even then a zombie can't possibly be faster than they are. They even take the time to discuss a headline for the race as it can be written about in the Ghostly Gossip with Spectra. Meanwhile, Ghoulia reaches the zombies' highway in the catacombs, where the zombies tickle large dragons' noses so the resulting sneeze will launch them in a pre-decided direction to elsewhere in the school. As such, Ghoulia easily reaches the classroom before the werecats do, much to their horror.

Ghoulia and her friends have the time of their unlife at Ghoulia's party. The werecats provide catering as promised, if reluctantly and with a bite to it. Toralei offers two zombies another slice of pie, but trips and gets the pie on her head. The others laugh, but Toralei takes it in stride because the pie is delicious. Vorlage:Source

It's the first full moon of the Lunar Leap Year, a romantic time for werewolves. Many of them hook up or pay special attention to their significant others. In this atmosphere of romance, Howleen Wolf considers her own chances. Clawdeen tries to talk her out of it on account of Howleen's age, which doesn't so much convince as agitates her. In her anger, she fails to get her locker open. Romulus notices as he passes by and helps open it, igniting Howleen's lingering feelings for him. Clawdeen disapproves. Vorlage:Source

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Bloodgood announces Nightmare as the Creature of the Year during the ceremony, much to the chagrin of Rotter and Hackington. Everyone else cheers and Nightmare proudly leaves the stage, though not before happily snorting some flames towards the two disqualified teachers. Vorlage:Source

Heath Burns is lost in a video game-fuelled daydream in which he is a brave knight defending his friends from the evil Sinisterian hordes. As he makes the villains run for their lives, his friend chant his name. This particular part of his daydream is not imaginary though, as his friends are calling him—they want him to lay down his video game and finally get to work helping prepare for the big Friday the 13th party.

Reluctant to leave his game, but eager for the party, Heath obliges and cleans some moss off of a rock. Doing so, however, reveals a message which Heath recognizes as Sinisterian in origin. He translates it for his friends as to read "On Friday the 13th of the 13th year, the Sinisterians will return to this spot to take over." Heath panicks and urges the dance to be cancelled, which none of his friends take well too. They point out that Heath has made wild claims before that only resulted in a lot of chaos about nothing. Heath swears this time the threat is real, but no one believes him.

Just as his friends start to leave, a portal opens on the message's spot and three Sinisterians walk out of it. Heath prepares to defend his friends as he did in his daydream, but the Sinisterians tell him to calm down; they are only here to take over the dance floor and party along! With the unexpected guests' arrival, the Friday the 13th party is declared started. Heath is left confused that the Sinisterians aren't actually evil, to which one of them replies that he should play less video games. Vorlage:Source


Robecca Steam and Draculaura are hanging out on the stairs outside when the latter asks her friend why she insists on using old technology, which is slow and noisy. To make a point, Draculaura shows off her iCoffin to compare to Robecca's typewriter, noting that an iCoffin also allows you to download video games. She downloads one, Angry Ghouls, on the spot to prove her point and becomes oddly entranced by it. Robecca leaves for class and later on meets up with Clawdeen and Frankie to discover Draculaura never attended her class.

They go look for her and find that she's still playing the video game Robecca left her with earlier. Clawdeen angrily takes her friend's iCoffin away, but one glimpse at Angry Ghouls has her entranced like Draculaura. From there, the spell quickly spread and before long everyone is playing Angry Ghouls, teachers and students alike. The only one who stays clean is Robecca, whose worry about the situation rapidly rises as classes become video game mass-sessions and everyone but she starts getting bad grades. This includes Ghoulia Yelps.

Aware the situation is out of her league, Robecca approaches Ghoulia and removes the batteries from her iCoffin, thus breaking the spell. Ghoulia, in turn, creates a virus to inflict on all the iCoffins at school so that Angry Ghouls becomes unplayable. For a moment, it seems everything is back to normal, but then Deuce Gorgon announces the release of a new game that is even better than Angry Ghouls. In moments, the school is caught up in the new video game, leaving both Ghoulia and Robecca highly unamused. Vorlage:Source

There is a new boy at Monster High; his name is Archer, he is a centaur, and he also is incredibly handsome. Most of the girls stare after him as he walks by, but Operetta is the only one to go as far as actually approach him. Vorlage:Source

Special webisodes[]

Frankie gets a call from Clawdeen saying that Draculaura isn't going to the school dance at the cemetery that evening. Frankie agrees to meet Clawdeen at Draculaura's home to help out. They find Draculaura crying in her room because she can't find the perfect outfit to wear—something she hasn't worn before. Frankie says that if they'll look through Draculaura's closet they're bound to find something amazing, but Draculaura counters that she hasn't seen her closet yet. Draculaura opens the door and Frankie and Clawdeen realize the search for an outfit is going to be a minor expedition.

Draculaura guides them down the stairs and, on her request, Frankie fixes the light in the closet so they've got a better view. Draculaura still doubts they'll find anything, let alone in time for the dance, but then it's Clawdeen's time to shine by using her nose to find an unworn outfit. It takes a while, mostly due to the size of Draculaura's closet, but then Clawdeen finds an old chest. Draculaura reads from the text on it that the chest is from her great-great-great-grandmother and only to be opened in case of a fashion emergency. Declaring that it's an emergency right now, Draculaura and Clawdeen try to open the chest, but to no avail. Frankie detaches her arm and lets it crawl inside the chest to open it from within, which does the trick.

Draculaura is immensely pleased with the dress and accessories within and soon admires herself in the mirror. As she does, Clawdeen comes with another outfit Draculaura has not worn before, but Draculaura replies that Clawdeen should wear it. Clawdeen doesn't need to be told twice, and soon enough the three, along with Ghoulia and Cleo, are making a smashing impression at the dance. Vorlage:Source

At Monster High, a casketball game is about to take place between the home team and the West Valley Mages. The Fear Squad is present to cheer for the casketball team, though Ghoulia assures them that Monster High will win by 40 points, seeing as how the members of the West Valley High team are small and scrawny compared to the members of the Monster High team.

Surprisingly, within the first minute a member of the West Valley High team takes the ball from Clawd and scores one for the guest team. Even more surprisingly, this goes on until the score is 22-08 for the West Valley Mages. As the Fear Squad discusses what is going on, Ghoulia notices that the West Valley High coach has a crystal ball with him, with which he predicts Monster High's actions so his team can work them into their own plan. The Fear Squad wonders what they can do about this, and Ghoulia suggests that they try to create noise to make the crystal ball shatter. They'll need the audience's help for that though, so the Fear Squad lets Ghoulia lead a cheer filled with stomping and clapping that swiftly catches on with the audience.

While the opposing team's coach does almost drop the crystal ball, the artifact refuses to show even the tiniest of cracks. Worried, the Fear Squad again turns to Ghoulia, who unleashes a supernatural wail on the crystal ball, utterly obliterating it. Without the West Valley High team's ability to predict the future, the Monster High team catches up in no time, ending the game with a score difference of 36-54. Grateful, the Monster High students lift Ghoulia on their shoulders, chanting her name. Vorlage:Source

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Frankie just passed the theory portion of her driving test and has the road test scheduled for the afternoon. Her friends are happy for her, but their mood turns sour when they find out her instructor is Mr. Fenderbender. Knowing Frankie needs it, they each offer to help her prepare.

Cleo invites Frankie over to her place and offers her a potion: the Essence of Scario Fangdretti, a race car champion. Frankie is uncertain and accidentally drops the bottle, setting the essence free to speed off. She suggests she'll just study with her book, but her friends disagree. In the gym at school, Abbey has created a course and car made of ice for Frankie to practice with. This session goes decently until Heath Burns stops by and involuntarily melts the setup. Frankie's suggestion to study the old-fashioned way is shot down again when she invited over to Gil's house, along with Lagoona and Jackson, to play Extreme Graveyard Derby. Jackson claims the video game taught him how to drive, but Frankie doubts that when the in-game police motions her to pull over and Jackson argues that you never pull over. Being urged to drive faster, Frankie crashes in-game, which startles her and makes her shock everyone present.

That afternoon, Frankie returns to the Department of Monster Vehicles for her road test. She witnesses Fenderbender treat another student harshly, making her fearful of her own odds. Taking strength from the fact her friends are present to support her, Frankie goes for it and passes the test easily. Her friends want to know which of their plans was the deciding factor and are unamused that Frankie replies her own studying was what had helped her through the road test. Vorlage:Source

Rochelle usually is the one to take Frido, the class pet, home with her during the weekend, but she has the Gargoylympics to go to this particular weekend. As such, she's looking for someone who can take care of him this time. Draculaura wonders aloud who would say no to "such a luxurious coat", which Cleo overhears. She immediately volunteers, thinking she'll get a coat, but doesn't back out when that turns out not to be the case. Rochelle instructs her to abide by three rules: never give Frido cheese to eat, keep him warm, and never let him near electricity. Cleo is a little overwhelmed, but her friends offer to assist her.

At Cleo's house, Draculaura and Frankie are enjoying a cheese table when Frido comes begging for treats. Frankie warns Draculaura not to give him cheese, but Frido proves the kind of pet that just takes what it wants. Assuming he's thirsty, Abbey gives him a bowl of water, which is frozen by her powers. Lagoona tries to call her back, but Frido has already taken a sip and is feeling the effects. Frankie tries to wrap a blanket around him to get him warm again, but Frido tackles her, provoking a charge from her.

With all three rules broken, Frido gets hyperactive. Cleo gets a call from Rochelle, whom she lies to that everything is going well. To her horror, Rochelle announces she'll come get Frido in a moment. The girls quickly run after him, only to find him in the middle of the living room as a skeleton motionless lying among his shedded fur. As the girls are mourning, Rochelle steps into the room. They try to apologize and console her for the loss of Frido, but Rochelle assures the rest of the girls that Frido's perfectly fine--as it would seem, Frido's not dead: he's just hibernating (basically sleeping). Rochelle elaborates by explaining that since the girls had (unintentionally) broken the rules she had set out for them, it just made Frido start his hibernation process a week earlier than he normally would've (Frido then briefly wakes up, revealing that Rochelle's telling the truth). The girls, especially Draculaura, are relieved by this. Vorlage:Source

The girls are preparing cookies for a bake sale, but Cleo is late. She arrives just before the bell, unashamed of her lack of commitment and proud of the new giant mutant octopus polish adorning her fingernails. Her friends aren't amused and tell her to get to work immediately. Cleo does so, if warily of what damage baking may do to her nails. However, due to her lateness, the bell goes when she's barely even touched an unbaked cookie. The group leaves to continue baking later.

What no one noticed is that a bit of Cleo's nail polish stuck with the cookie dough she touched. It becomes sentient, absorbing the other cookie dough and growing in size and hunger rapidly. Its first victim is Mr. Hackington, who sneaks into the kitchen area to steal a cookie. Next, the girls enter. The first thing they notice is that all the cookies are gone and the second that there is a cookie dough monster on the loose. They flee the room screaming.

The boys in the corridor, waiting in line to be the first bake sale customers, try to fight the creature, but even Deuce's gorgon stare doesn't stop it. Almost all of them are subsequently eaten by the cookie dough monster, but when it's Heath's turn to become a snack, the monster's weakness is found: heat. Heath quickly bakes the monster to death, after which all his friends and Mr. Hackington emerge alive from the cookie spill. Frankie spots the nail polish bit that caused all the trouble, revealing that Cleo is to blame. When Headless Headmistress Bloodgood arrives and orders the mess to be cleaned up, everyone agrees that to be Cleo's job. Cleo takes solace in the fact that at least the cookie spill contains chocolate chips. Vorlage:Source

TV specials[]

In "Why Do Ghouls Fall in Love?", Clawdeen does her very best to help her big brother, Clawd, with finding a good gift to give to Draculaura for her Sweet 1600th Birthday, but every one he tries hurts Draculaura's feelings and earns him a good whack from Clawdeen with a rolled-up magazine, and a stern look of annoyance and disappointment from her as well for the first couple of attempts. When Toralei begins to cause chaos at Draculaura's party with C.A. Cupid's bow after stealing it from the ghouls, Clawdeen uses herself as a decoy to draw Toralei's attention, allowing Frankie, Lagoona, and Abbey to disarm her and free Clawdeen and everyone else from Cupid's spell induced by her love arrows. She even approves of when Clawd finally finds the right gift for Draculaura in preparation to take her driving test again.

Clawdeen is among the ghouls invited by Lagoona to visit the Great Barrier Reef and her parents in Australia for Spring Break. When their boat is sunk by a kraken, they are rescued by Bartleby Farnum and taken to Skull Shores. Clawdeen is among the ghouls who try to rescue Frankie after escaping a pitfall trap that catches Abbey and Ghoulia, but not her, Draculaura, and Cleo. Using her werewolf keen sense of smell to help follow the trail of the Beast of Skull Shores. They soon find the Beast, revealed to be a monster by the name of Andy, after he pounces on them, believing them to be hostile. Once Gil returns with the kraken and gets rid of Farnum for the time being, Clawdeen joins the others in returning to Monster High. When Farnum strikes again in his attempts to get Andy at Monster High, Clawdeen, along with Clawd and Howleen, try to stop him, but Farnum incapacitates them with a dog whistle from his cane. Once Kipling turned on Farnum and defeats him for good, Clawdeen joins the rest of the school in returning to Skull Shores for the extra week of Spring Break granted to them by Bloodgood while Monster High is being repaired. Vorlage:Source

The ghouls are skating against a rival team in Skultimate Roller Maze (SKRM); highlighting the following players as they skate; Clawdeen, Draculaura, Frankie, Lagoona, Abbey and Ghoulia, then finally Cleo. It is then shown Lagoona crosses the finish line and wins the game for Monster High. Her teammates skate over to congratulate and then the scene flips to Frankie, introducing what SKRM is all about, stating that girls are some of the best players, although it wasn't always that way. Last season was an example and then the film flashbacks to said time. The flashback begins with an unseen announcer welcoming all to the Skultimate RollerMaze game between the Nightmares of Monster High and the Gargoyles of Granite City, and both sides of the crowd are cheering for their team. The four fearleaders; Frankie, Draculaura, Clawdeen, and Cleo; are cheering for MH. Vorlage:Source

Naturally, at the sight of ghouls in SKRM gear, the school is shocked by the decision of Frankie and her friends deciding to take the place of the former team. Clawd mainly is surprised, due to his being the captain of the team. At first, he believes it to be a joke, although once he finds out that the girls are serious, he urges them not to play, despite their knowledge of Robecca Steam, who apparently, according to Clawd, got demolished and was never heard from again. Draculaura then tries to reason with him, but he refuses to listen, much to the dismay of most of the ghouls. Nonetheless, with Frankie's assurance and persuasion, the lot of them decide to still play, for the fate of their beloved school, however, the training they attempt to pursue is worthless, due to their little to no knowledge of the sport. Most of them can barely skate or follow the rules, although they try and do what they can. During this training, Ghoulia finds yet another piece of metal, this one a bit bigger than the previous and blue, she seems both confused and pondering over what it is. Apparently, part of the ghouls' training is to skate throughout the school and despite they're getting better, Frankie and Draculaura are still lacking in the art of it, still quite clumsy with it. This is noticed by many students, but Operetta mainly for some reason, who watches their every move and eventually daringly rescues them from crashing and getting injured. Upon this, Frankie offers the music diva if she wants to join the SKRM team, although Operetta refuses, claiming that she's not the type to join any kind of organized team sports, and she leaves the ghouls, not bothering to say anymore.

The ghouls first matchup is against the all zombie school, the worst in the league. Frankie gets very nervous and short circuits, thus causing the team to a false start and be disqualified. Clawd confronts Draculaura and instead of offering help demands that she stop playing, or else he will break up with her. Draculaura refuses to abandon her friends. Then Manny and Heath videotape the fiasco and mock them. Operetta appreciates the rebellious attitude and joins the team, taking Cleo's spot. She helps teach the ghouls the rules, but her attitude makes her a poor coach. Luckily, Clawd returns as the team's new coach. After a strict training regimen, the ghouls are ready for their sophomore debut against Vampire Academy. The ghouls play well but are best at the last minute by rough tactics of the vampires. Serendipitous, Operetta was knocked into a pile of tires that contained glowing artifacts. Ghoulia explains that is the last piece she needed to rebuild Robecca Steam! Robecca is glad to hear that over 100 years SKRM has progressed enough to allow female players. The ghouls regretfully explain that is not the case, and they are the only all-ghoul team and are faced with prejudice. Robecca offers her assistance as a player, but she is still missing her balance modulator. Her one piece of advice is that "If you want to need to be true to yourselves...If you want to beat the boys you need to play like girls." Thus inspiring their new fashionable outfits. The gargoyles begin to mock the new outfits, but the masked player on the team reveals that she is, in fact, a ghoul. Rochelle Goyle announces that she transferred from Granite City to Monster High. She takes Frankie's spot on the team. The ghouls enter a round robin tournament and eventually make their way up the leader board until they qualify for the final match between Granite City. Instilling the school with pride, the ghouls are now wildly popular and even gained the respect of Manny and Heath, who even volunteer to be the team's new cheerleaders. During practice, Clawd fears that his intense training won’t be enough to defeat Granite City. Robecca tells Clawd every team has a weakness; he just has to look for it. Clawd notices that Toralei is spying on the team's practice, so hints that they need to play up the discord.

Eventually, Clawdeen gets injured, and Clawd calls an injury timeout. Draculaura doesn't want to come in, but Clawd tells her that he believes in her. The team starts up again. During the final stretch, Operetta calls out to Rocco to signal the two gargoyles for a sandwich maneuver.

Clawdeen quickly moves to catch it, then Draculara realizes that Clawdeen may have faked her injury to allow her the opportunity to compete in the finals.

In "Ghouls Rule", Clawdeen attempts to help out Frankie with celebrating her first Halloween, despite what they all saw in the Halloween Warning video, but finds herself caught in an attempt to find a date with Draculaura's help after she skipped out on a double date, per her usual habit. Clawdeen's reluctant attempts at a speed-dating session with Draculaura's aid backfires as she ends up storming off in fury when it's over. After helping to rescue Holt and lure the New Salem students to the Hall of Halloween, Clawdeen is decked out in her Ghouls Rule attire, and later, after restoring peace between New Salem and Monster High, Clawdeen makes amends with Draculaura, confessing that the thought of dating intimidates her, and soon tries again with Draculaura's cousin, Thad, successfully getting a dance with him. Her final shot shows her with Cleo, Frankie, Draculaura, and Abbey, all decked out in their Ghouls Rule dresses.

She plans a 'Flashion Mob', a surprise fashion show starring herself and her friends at school. Vorlage:Source

Thanks to Ghoulia, however, the fashion show was put on FrightTube (with the awkward ending edited out) and had gotten quite a large amount of views, including Moanatella Ghostier, a renowned fashion designer. Clawdeen urges Ghoulia to remove the video, as fashion is about rules and Clawdeen herself believes she broke most of them with her outfits. But it had already caught Moanatella's attention, who had a very unique problem. She needed a protégé to carry on her designs, as she was running out of ideas and when people stop paying attention to her, she fades away. So she sends for three students, Jinafire Long from Fanghai, Skelita Calaveras from Hexico and last but not least, Clawdeen Wolf. Bloodgood calls in Clawdeen and her friends to explain the good news, and with a little begging, agreed to let her friends, consisting of Frankie Stein, Draculaura, Abbey Bominable, Cleo de Nile, Ghoulia Yelps and Lagoona Blue. She also let Rochelle Goyle accompany them, as she is from Scaris.

Finally in Scaris, the ghouls drop Clawdeen off at Moanatella's headquarters, and Frankie, Rochelle, and Ghoulia go look for Garrott in secret while the remainder of the group take in the sights. Clawdeen meets Jinafire Long and Skelita Calaveras and though friendly with each other, Moanatella coldly reminds them that only one of them will be her apprentice.

Somewhere, in Moanatella Ghostier's Headquarters, Skelita and Clawdeen talk about Skelita's tribute to her family. Clawdeen notices Jinafire's book around and decides to see her designs, but Jinafire becomes angry and scolds Clawdeen about the competition and that they're not supposed to be helping each other. Back in Monster High, Clawd Wolf (who becomes mega jealous of Draculaura, being in the most romantic city in the whole world without him - thanks to Heath Burns) seeks help from C.A. Cupid, and misunderstands her advice. He flies to Scaris with Deuce Gorgon (who misses Cleo a lot) and Heath, even when he told him not to go.

Back in the headquarters, Clawdeen was shouted at by Moanatella for the third time for not following the rules of fashion. Later on, she finds courage to look for inspiration on her old sketch book but Moanatella comes and tells her to throw it away, so she does after Moanatella goes through the floor. So, she starts designing like her the same time Toralei seems to make the frightseeing less fun for the other ghouls. After that, Moanatella tells the three designers that if they hear her ring the bell for three times, it meant she made a decision. She leaves after saying this.

The scene shifts to Jinafire and Skelita finding Clawdeen's book and sees it. Clawdeen walks in, and tells them to stop looking because she already improved. But, Jinafire and Skelita tells her that she wasn't being original already and that seeing her now saddens them.

They find Garrett who has been used by Moanatella for his fashion designs. This was why he couldn't write to Rochelle anymore. He tells them whoever wins Moanatella's "apprenticeship" will be locked up in the same place and be used just like him. At that moment, Moanatella and Clawdeen enter, and Moanatella traps Clawdeen in a cell with Garrott, Frankie and Rochelle.

Clawdeen announces a desire to 'beat Moanatella at her own game.' Skelita and Jinafire show up, having sensed that something bad was going to happen, and give Clawdeen her old design book back. The rest of the ghouls get to work designing a full fashion line of clothing, while Moanatella sets up her own fashion show across town.

Despite having lots of help, the ghouls aren't going to get finished it time, so Clawd reveals that it's a full moon, which causes Clawdeen to work double-time. At last, the show is finished, so they gather it up to take it to the fashion show. Ghoulia (who has bought a car with the money she's earned!) offers to help them get to the show.

They crash Moanatella's show and show off Clawdeen's real fashion line. The people love it and cheer Clawdeen, causing Moanatella to vanish forever because no one is paying attention to her. Skelita and Jinafire express a desire to transfer to Monster High, while Garrott tells Rochelle that he will stay in Scaris. The movie ends with the Monster High group posing at the fashion show.

In "From Fear to Eternity", Clawdeen and the ghouls have had a major blast exploring the wonderful 'City Of Frights'.Clawdeen found out that her fashion book came alive the more she wrote fashion designs in it. But their fun has just begun when they took separate planes. Frankie took Clawdeen's bag by accident and the book came to life and ran away.

In "Frights, Camera, Action!", Clawdeen joins Draculaura in returning to Transylvania when Draculaura is selected to be the next Vampire Queen by Prime Minister Lord Stoker. When Draculaura realizes Lord Stoker's true intentions, Clawdeen joins her in traveling to meet the Wolf siblings' big sister, Clawdia, in Londoom, Honey Swamp in New Goreleans, and finally, Hauntlywood, to locate Elissabat and the real Vampire's Heart. Once it is revealed that the Vampire's Heart was put in Robecca, and Veronica Von Vamp is really Elissabat's pseudonym after she fled Transylvania for Hauntlywood after learning of her uncle's intentions, Clawdeen joins her friends in celebrating Draculaura getting her full vampire powers, and then attends the debut of Elissabat's latest movie as Veronica Von Vamp.

Volume 4[]


It is the first day at Monster High for both the viewer and a werecat by the name of Catrine. Catrine proposes that the two of them familiarize with the new environment together, which the viewer agrees to. Their first new acquaintances are two girls who introduce themselves as Clawdeen Wolf and Lagoona Blue and hand them their class schedules and locker assignments. The four of them are soon joined by a girl named Frankie, who suggests that she and the other two older students show the viewer and Catrine around.

Their tour starts at the gym, where the local fearleading team is rehearsing. Clawdeen runs up to the door and closes it, informing them that the routine isn't for public view yet. Lagoona then asks their attention for the many forms of sport available at Monster High, pointing at the window that gives a view on a casketball game going on outside. A werewolf, apparently a friend of the others, takes a moment to wave at them, which earns him a casketball in the face. Catrine, at least, finds this amusing and giggles. Next they are introduced to a teacher, Mr. Rotter, who warns them he doesn't give A's before closing the door to his classroom. After this, they are shown the Creepateria and introduced to a number of other students.

This would seem like a good start of their time at Monster High, but both Catrine and the viewer don't feel like everything is as it seems. It is almost like their new schoolmates are hiding something from them and that can't be good, right? But as they share their worst fears, Frankie runs up to them and tells them to follow her. She takes them to the main entrance of the school building, where just outside the headmistress and many students are gathered with a banner that reads "Welcome!". As they chant their welcome, the fearleading team joins them with the routine Clawdeen interrupted us from seeing earlier. Catrine and the viewer are both relieved that they were wrong and honored that all this was organized just for them. As the entire school assures them, they are Monster High. Vorlage:Source

TV Specials[]

Clawdeen is among the friends who are tasked with performing Mr. Where's play on Monster High's history to celebrate the school's bicentennial. She is also among the friends who travel with Frankie back to 1814 and meet, unknown to them at the time, Frankie's grandfather, Victor Frankenstein, known by his nickname Sparky, and Hexiciah Steam, Robecca's father. When Sparky damages the time portal before they jump in to return to 2014, due to having jumped in together with Venus, Clawdeen and Venus are accidentally fused together into the freaky fused hybrid, Clawvenus, with access to Venus' powers over plants, but a physical appearance of a cross between both ghouls in clothes, hair, everything. After Frankie turns to the hybrid students for help, Bonita Femur becomes Clawvenus' tutor to help her gain better control of her powers through meditation. Clawvenus soon becomes a prisoner of Sparky's Creation 4.0 when it attacks her and the other freaky fused hybrids of Frankie's friends, with Clawvenus being the last one to be captured after attempting to restrain Creation 4.0 so it could be deactivated. When Frankie uses her own life force to electrocute and deactivate Creation 4.0, Clawvenus is freed and defused back into Clawdeen and Venus, but her actions fatally drain Frankie, and she dies soon after freeing Draculaura and Robecca. As everyone mourns, Clawdeen admits that if it hadn't been for Frankie, they still would be prisoners of Creation 4.0.

Using her good times she had with Frankie, Clawdeen is able to help revive her. Afterwards, she helps finish the play on Monster High's history, and welcomes Avea and the other hybrids to Monster High with open arms. Vorlage:Source

Volume 5[]


The ghouls are preparing Monster High's greenhouse garden for the Gloom and Bloom dance, though Cleo is less than happy about having to actually work. Gil spots Lorna watering the massive flower in the center of the greenhouse and explains that it's the Corpse Flower, a rare flower that only blooms once every 1300 years, and is set to bloom at the Gloom and Bloom dance. He laments that Lagoona won't be able to see it, since she's still in Madread, and Lorna admits she feels the same about her boyfriend in Rotland. Suddenly she receives a text from her boyfriend, but upon reading it, she bursts into tears and runs out. The ghouls pick up her phone and discover her boyfriend has broken up with her via text. They immediately decide to help cheer her up.

The ghouls visit Lorna's apartment and attempt to coax her out, even putting together a 'Skulltimate Break-Up' pack with a giant ice cream sundae. But Lorna refuses to leave. Gil asks if he could try something. Later that night, he appears at Lorna's door in his tuxedo, and asks her if she would like to go to the dance with him as friends. Lorna is delighted to accept, but realizes she has nothing to wear. The other ghouls immediately rush in to help her find an outfit.

The dance is in full swing, and Lorna and Gil are having fun dancing. As they discuss how excited they are about the Corpse Flower blooming, Cleo overhears and states that she knew a corpse flower once, and she thinks they stink. Just as Gil wishes aloud that Lagoona was here to join them, Lagoona suddenly appears, and is shocked to see Gil and Lorna together. Draculaura also appears, just returned from her trip to Shibooya, and notes the very awkward atmosphere... Vorlage:Source

The story returns to where the last episode left off, with Lagoona returning from her trip to Madread early to attend the dance with Gil, only to find him dancing with Lorna. Gil and Lorna attempt to explain, but Lagoona runs off in tears. Gil chases after her, while the other students realize the Corpse Flower is about to bloom...

To everyone's surprise, they discover a plant ghoul is resting inside the flower. To Cleo's horror, she recognizes the ghoul as Amanita Nightshade.

Amanita is delighted that the dance in thrown in her honor, and she recognizes Cleo in the crowd. When the others ask if they know each other, Cleo angrily admits that she knew Amanita when they were 'tombmates' together long ago. Amanita laughs and calls Cleo a wallflower without a date, but Cleo introduces Deuce as her boyfriend. Amanita immediately takes a liking to him, and drags him away for a dance, much to Deuce's confusion.

The night ends with Lagoona and Gil sharing a slow dance, while Cleo and Amanita both fight to dance with Deuce. Vorlage:Source

Ghoulia, Cleo, Frankie and Clawdeen are checking out Marisol's live introduction video to get to know her better, before she starts frequenting Monster High. During the chat, Abbey shows up to get Marisol to the train and make her company during the trip. Since it's Marisol's last day in Monster Picchu, she asks Abbey if she can show her around her village before they go. Abbey accepts it, but only if it's for a little while. After showing her around, Marisol tells Abbey she needs to surf on the Amazonian River. She then proceeds to show her ginea pigs and gives her a 'Mari Makeover', but, when Abbey insists they have go and catch the train, Marisol tells her she can't leave Monster Picchu without visiting the jungle, Again, Abbey accepts it but only if it is the last activity. Like previously, Marisol pushes Abbey into a bunch of other activities, running from SpiderMonkeys, playing soccer and trying the local gastronomy. Finally, when Abbey and Marisol head to the train, Marisol asks Abbey to admit that she actually liked the trip to which Abbey replies that she really liked it.

Back at Monster High, while Clawdeen is commenting on Marisol's platforms, Frankie approaches the ghouls to ask if they've seen Abbey, for she hasn't been able to find her for a week. Marisol shows her a video of Abbey in Monster Picchu, declaring that she had so much fun she decided to stay an extra week. Vorlage:Source

Clawdeen is asking Cleo whether to pick "truth or scare", at a game of Truth or Scare at Draculaura's house, a sleepover. Cleo says "scare" to at that point, Amanita comes over (to which scares Cleo and Clawdeen says "wasn't expecting that much scare" as in the pun in Truth or Scare to Truth or Dare). Cleo asks: "What's she doing here?" to which Frankie responds that she invited Amanita over because she knows how hard it is to be the new ghoul at school. Clawdeen asks how Cleo and Amanita know each other, to which Cleo says they have history. Amanita looks in Draculaura's closet and asks to borrow some of them, which Cleo makes a comment that Draculaura will be lucky if she ever sees them again. Amanita puts Draculaura's fearleading uniform near her body, to which Clawdeen responds that she could be a model. Amanita digs through "her" purse, saying she already is, and she carries a portfolio around, to which Cleo exclaims that's her purse. Amanita is delighted to play Truth or Scare and picks truth, to Clawdeen asks her how she and Cleo know each other. She then explains because she blooms every only thirteen hundred years, she's a pretty "big deal". She explains how she was gifted to the De Nile family.

Cleo explains then how her family was trapped in their own tomb, and how it was pretty boring until Amanita showed up. Cleo explains how Amanita tried borrowing everything, and how she escaped without coming for Cleo. Frankie says she believes monsters can change and has Cleo pick 'scare'. She scares Cleo to get along with Amanita, to which she agrees. Draculaura says it's fangtastic, and looks for Amanita, realizing she stole everything in her closet. Vorlage:Source

Deuce, Manny, Gil and Invisi Billy find Frankie and her ghoulfriends on a stairwell, frantically typing into their iCoffins and laptops. Draculaura explains that they're voting for Monster High to become the venue for the upcoming Casta and the Spells concert. The boys admit they have no idea who that is, which shocks the ghouls greatly. Frankie tells them at Casta Fierce and her band the Spells are the hottest band around, and she shows them an episode of 'Monsters of Music' on her phone.

The episode shows Casta and her band performing live, and explains that she inherited her good looks, singing talent, and magical powers from her mother, the witch Circe. There is one drawback though. If Casta accidentally mispronounces a lyric, she can end up transforming her entire audience into animals. After several instances of turning her fans into frogs and cats, Casta and the band decided it was too dangerous to continue touring live. Instead, they now play one live concert every year at Halloween, the location of which is voted for by her fans.

The ghouls get in a few more votes before time runs out. They then watch a live feed on Ghoulia's laptop, where Casta pulls out the winning venue from a magic cauldron. She reveals Monster High has won, and the ghouls cheer in celebration. Casta then reveals that Monster High only won by four last-second votes... which were made by Deuce, Manny, Gil and Invisi Billy. The ghouls are surprised, but as the boys gush in excitement, it's clear they've become serious Casta fans. Vorlage:Source

It's the end of the scaremester at Monster High, which means that the new school fearbook has been published. Frankie, Clawdeen, Cleo and Spectra go to pick up their fearbooks, and Frankie decides to take a picture of her friends. She's surprised to see a water creature suddenly appear in the picture behind her friends. The water creature pops up behind them and introduces herself as Lorna McNessie, a new Exchange student visiting from Rotland. She mentions that her father is the Loch Ness Monster, and tells the tale of how she came to Monster High...

Below the waters of Loch Ness, Lorna swims toward her castle home, taking a moment to surprise the guards at the gate. She meets her father inside, and asks him if she can go above the surface. He forbids her, explaining that the last time he went up his photo was taken, and since then, normies have constantly visited the lake searching for him. Lorna lays on the charm and her father relents, allowing her to go up for one hour.

Lorna swims up to the surface, and has fun catching a ride on a speedboat, and watching some humans play golf. She then sees a photographer about to take a picture of the loch, and is overcome with the urge to photobomb it. She jumps into the frame and surprises the photographer, resulting in a blurry picture of her. The picture hits the news, and soon hundreds of people are exploring the loch, even diving underwater. Lorna's father is not pleased by this. He decides they need to get away until the commotion dies down, and arranges for Lorna to visit Monster High on the Exchange program.

Lorna finishes her story, and Frankie welcomes her and wishes her luck on her first day. Lorna replies that it's not her first day - she's been here all scaremester. The ghouls look through their fearbooks, and discover Lorna has photobombed every picture inside it. Vorlage:Source

Frankie, Draculaura, Clawdeen, Cleo, Ghoulia and Toralei are visiting Casta in her dressing room, having won backstage passes in a contest earlier. While they're excited to meet Casta in person, they notice that she seems very nervous. Casta explains she just has stage fright, but the ghouls can believe someone like Casta could even get stage fright. But with her tendency to mess up her lyrics, Casta has plenty of reasons to be nervous. She explains that during her previous year's concert, she messed up the fast part at the beginning of her popular song 'Witching Hour', resulting in one audience member turning into a giant lizard which trashed the stage. She decides to never sing 'Witching Hour' again.

Toralei mocks her for this, and suggests that maybe she should go on stage and sing the song in Casta's place. She daydreams about appearing on stage and performing, basking in the adulation of the audience. The ghouls ignore her, and suggest to Casta that maybe she concentrates too hard on getting her lyrics right. If she had some kind of distraction to ease her mind, she might be able to sing her lyrics correctly. Casta decides she'll give it a try.

The ghouls head outside, determined to find something they can use to distract Casta on stage. Toralei however, has other plans. Without the ghouls noticing, she steals their backstage passes and dumps them in the trash.

The concert begins, and Casta flies into the arena on her broomstick shaped microphone stand to warm up the crowd. The ghouls go backstage and find a control panel for the stage's lighting and effects. They find a button to activate a large fireworks display, which would make a perfect distraction. Before they can press it, a burly squid security guard asks for their passes. They realize too late that they're missing, and they are promptly shown out.

They return to the arena to watch the concert, hoping nothing goes wrong. As Casta starts to sing 'Witching Hour', Toralei grabs one of Casta's spare broomsticks, and gets ready to jump on stage and steal the show. However, she loses control of the broomstick and goes flying around the stage, before crashing into the curtains. As it turns out, her crazy flying was the distraction Casta needed to sing her song perfectly (Much to the boy's disappointment). Toralei gets up in a daze and accidentally hits the button on the control panel, setting off the fireworks just as Casta finishes her song.

Casta thanks Toralei for the distraction, and promises that she'll imagine her flying around every time she sings 'Witching Hour'. Toralei is too dazed to care, and collapses to the floor. Casta flies around to wave to her fans, and sees the boys asking to be transformed into a creature. Never one to disappoint her fans, she fires a transformation spell towards them, and they turn into... teeny tiny love bugs with teenier tinier top hats. Hoodude is delighted, and the others are just happy to be transformed at all. Vorlage:Source

TV specials[]

Clawdeen is with Cleo, Draculaura, and Frankie, on the Fear Squad as they cheer on Lagoona and Sirena during a swim meet between Monster High and a rival school. When attempting a pyramid maneuver, Clawdeen overhears Toralei talking about Spectra's latest blog on the Wolf siblings having were-fleas. Enraged by that blatant lie, Clawdeen causes the squad to fall into the pool and be accidentally shocked by Frankie. Angered by Spectra's actions, Clawdeen confronts her about it and convinces her to look into posting truthful news on her blog instead of lies and gossip. When Spectra then learns that Draculaura is being haunted by a ghost, she leaves suddenly. Not wanting to leave Spectra after promising to help her with her blog, Clawdeen follows her with Sirena, Twyla, Draculaura, and Rochelle, leading to them meeting the daughter of the Grim Reaper, River Styxx, and visiting Spectra's old school, Haunted High. After meeting Vandala Doubloons, Porter "Paintergeist" Geiss, and Spectra's old friend, Kiyomi, Clawdeen and the other ghouls, who are known as "solids" in the Ghost World, have to flee when discovered by Haunted High's Principal Revenant and her Hall Moanitors. Unfortunately, Spectra is captured and taken back to Haunted High to face punishment for bringing non-ghosts to the school. Using some of Twyla's father's Boogey Sand to turn herself, Draculaura, Twyla, and Rochelle into ghosts, Clawdeen returns to Haunted High to save Spectra, while also taking notes of their adventure to help Spectra with her blog. When confronted by Revenant again, the ghouls are rescued by Porter, only for him to apparently betray them later to Revenant in exchange for being released from his Detention Chains. Using Clawdeen's notes, Revenant learns of the Boogey Sand and sends her Hall Moanitors to retrieve it in her plans for turning all of Monster High's student body into ghosts to punish in Haunted High with Detention Chains. Clawdeen and the others confront Porter about his double-cross, only to quickly forgive him when he reveals he swiped the key Revenant uses on her own chains to transfer their chains to himself, mostly to show he's sorry for ratting them out. Using the key, they free all of their fellow ghost students from Monster High, including Operetta, Johnny, and Scarah, and ride Vandala's ship back to Monster High, only to then use a portal from Kiyomi to get there faster and prevent the Hall Moanitors, using River's father's skiff, to turn their fellow students into ghosts for Revenant's scheme. Afterwards, Clawdeen uses her ghost power to help Kiyomi send the Hall Moanitors back to Haunted High, and bears witness as Revenant, revealed to be the Red Lady of ghost legend, is further punished for her actions against both Monster and Haunted High, and repents, promising to get rid of her chains through honest means from now on. After that, both schools celebrate, and after having a quick chat with Spectra and Porter, Clawdeen is reverted back to her werewolf self, letting off a happy howl, and joins in the festivities. Vorlage:Source


Volume 6[]


The students are playing and running around in Decomposition Class. Mr Rotter comes in and stops it, yelling that it's decomposition class, not "Greet Social, in which to 'party down'". He tells them that he has no idea how lucky they are to go to a school like Monster High, and Frankie tells him that they do appreciate going to Monster High. Rotter tells them all enough, and that they have to write essays on why they think they belong at Monster High, puts a smoke bomb down, and comes back to remind that they he doesn't give A's. Clawdeen says she guesses they better get writing. Frankie then says she thinks she has a better idea. When they pose for the camera, Lorna McNessie does a photobomb. Frankie gives why she belongs at Monster High, then all the other ghouls give why they belong at Monster High, but when it comes to Gory Fangtell, she says she's welcomed enough though she's been a "teensy bit mean", which Cleo corrects her on. Next up is Kjersti Trollson, who says she belongs because here, she gets noticed. Next is Quill Talyntino, who says she collects shiny things. She says she belongs at Monster High, because when she thought people were going to laugh, they didn't. Next up is Rider, who says he belongs because people get him. He says if he sets his mind to it, he can do anything, and Finnegan says this while spinning around in his wheelchair crazily. Frankie is then up, saying "we" belong at Monster High because every monster is welcome, freaky flaws and all. Mr Rotter at the end gives A's to everyone after watching that heartfelt, warm video. Vorlage:Source

Mr.Grunderson storms down the halls of Monster High as Clawdeen complains about the loss of the arts programs. Twyla, next to her, adds that she will never be able to show off her stilt skills because of that decision. That moment the lights go off. Suprising everyone, one by one, spotlights light up over each member of the 'permanent' Freak du Chic: Frankie, Rochelle, Toralei, Jinafire, Honey and Gooliope, which introduces herself and the circus fundraiser she and the crew are about to organize. The students on the halls get excited, Clawdeen and Twyla plan to help at the show too, only Grunderson is not too amused.

Ãt the Board of Deaduction officer, Grunderson shows the Skullastic Superintendents the Freak du Chic posters, demanding for such activity to be canceled due to lack of authorization. However, Headless Headmistress Bloodgood and Nightmare storm in the room and demands the show to be authorized, to wich the Skullastic Superintendents decide that, if the show isn't ready that night, the arts program will then be closed.

Bloodgood immidetly warns the Freak du Chic crew, which isn't happy with the decision, claiming they're not prepared. Bloodgood asks them to show of their talents. Frankie performs well but Honey gets tangled in her marionette strings, going against Frankie and knocking Toralei over, causing her ball to bump on Jinafire who falls over Rochelle. Bloodgood starts to worry, however Clawdeen and Twyla enter the room and ask for help to enter the show, to which Gooliope responds 'The more the merrier'. Vorlage:Source

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  • In the intro part of the webisodes, when Clawdeen, Frankie and Draculaura are coming into view, Clawdeen has two left feet.


Webisode gallery[]

TV special gallery[]
